Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Come One! Come All!

The Ward family would like to extend an invitation to our good friends this holiday season. We would like you to join us in taking part in one of our favorite past times, cooking. Cooking brings us together every holiday season; and we enjoy it almost more than presents... almost. In talking to some of you we have learned that cooking is not always viewed in such a favorable light, we would like to change that! When friends and family come together collective knowledge and effort make for an enjoyable experience. This is our first time inviting our friends to our house for collective cooking. We hope it is a tradition in the making! 

We will be providing refreshments (each morning. We hope that even if cooking isn't your thing, you will still join us! No cooking experience is required; you can still be helpful and maybe learn a thing or two - we're still learning new things too! 

Our schedule is listed in the post below.
 If you are interested in joining us please let us know when to expect you (RSVP). If you would like to take home a batch of goodies, made from one of our recipes, let us know so we will have enough ingredients on hand and schedule enough time to make it. We will email you the recipe or do the shopping for you, whichever you prefer! If you have favorite holiday recipes you would like to make with us you can bring the ingredients or send us the recipe in advance and we can help you shop!!

Please read the next post for more information! 
We look forward to spending quality time with you this holiday season.

Please title all emails concerning this event "Holiday"

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